
Friday 26 February 2021

English Matrix

Hello, in this blog post I will be posting the work I have finished in my English class.

I have to pick my task from this matrix, so I decided that I will do sensory language first. 
Write a short paragraph describing a scene (real or imaginary) in first person (using the word I) using sensory language that connects to each of the 5 senses.

As I rest on the grainy sand and watch the waves crash and dance like a performer, seagulls started chirping while circle around me seeing if I have anything of worth for them, it didn't take long before they gave up on me and moved on. I wonder how it would be to become a seagull, Never alone eating anything I can whether, from the garbage or food I find on the ground, it would all taste revolting.
Language Features

  1. Choose three terms (pick ones you don’t know, if possible!)

  2. Write down the definition, an example, and the effect of each.

Personification, Personification is when you describe an object or something non-human with human characteristics. Turning on my shower results in it hissing at me. Using personification can make an object more noticeable.

Alliteration, Alliteration is when you use an initial consonant letter consecutively to adjacent or closely grouped words. My Dad doesn't do devilish deeds, Alliteration is used to make a story more appealing or to spotlight a certain word of a sentence.

Anaphora, Anaphora is a rhetorical device in which a word or saying is repeated at the start of a number of sentences, clauses, or phrases. Reach of a leaf, reach for a cloud, reach for a sky of blue. Using Anaphora helps empathize or convey meaning. 


  • At least 4 Haiku

  • Can all be in the same season, or can be one from each season

Howling from the hills 
Singing at the darkened beach 
Sipping on peach juice

The flowers blossom
As the sun rises, bugs leave
Then the bee's buzz

Pizza dough bleeds red
Small holes in his head and toes
Then the mice stop squeaking 

Evening rain
The banana leaf
Speaks of it first

Metaphor and similes

A Metaphor is a sentence or a saying that is used rhetorically for a purpose.
A Simile is similar to a metaphor but the only difference is that you use like and as.
Metaphor "My mum is a saint"
Simile "My mum is like a saint"
Saint - Wikipedia
Metaphor "My room is as hot as a desert"
Simile "My room is a desert"
What Really Turned the Sahara Desert From a Green Oasis Into a Wasteland? |  Science | Smithsonian Magazine
I watched these three videos and my favorite was Brad McCormick's I'm not gay but I'd go gay for John Key. I think that this Slam poetry is very strange but very funny, writing a slam poem about being gay for a Prime Minister. 

"Administer some medicine to me John Key, with that sexy donkey I mean ass"

This is the work I have made for my English class, hope you enjoyed it. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work on this, Vin. I really enjoyed your haiku! Your post needs a little tidying up -- try to keep the fonts the same, keep the text from trailing off the page, etc. Also include full stops in your sensory language writing. Ka rawe -- keep up the great work :)


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.